
When the dog’s terrible open fracture was found in the field, anyone who came into contact with it felt tremendous pity.

Moli is a precious Sevillian Mastina, a dog who has been through numerous challenges in her life. Found with an open bone fracture in a field, she has since been operated on and taken in by a loving family. Despite facing various health issues due to her age, Moli’s story is an inspiring example of the power of rescue organizations and the importance of providing these animals with a second chance at life.

Moli was discovered in terrible condition, with an exposed open bone fracture in a field. Thankfully, she was brought to a nearby animal hospital for treatment. After her operation, Moli was adopted by a family who lived close to the hospital, allowing her to receive regular checkups and physiotherapy.

As Moli has aged, she has faced various health problems, including liver and kidney issues. However, her most concerning issue is the significant pain in her back. After taking Moli to the hospital for further examination, it was discovered that she had a herniated disc.

In some cases, a herniated disc can be a medical emergency that requires surgery. However, Moli’s surgeon has opted to wait and find a method to alleviate her pain that works better than her current medication. A stronger medication will be administered, and her condition will be closely monitored to ensure her quality of life remains as high as possible.

Moli’s story highlights the crucial role that rescue organizations play in saving animals from dangerous situations and providing them with the necessary care and support. The true character of a rescue organization is revealed when complications arise, and they continue to provide care for animals in need, such as Moli.

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