Priyanka Chopra is a ‘Sucker’ for Nick Jonas’ What a Man Gotta Do, Here’s Proof
Priyanka Chopra has been touring with the Jonas Brothers in Europe. After performing and spending Valentine’s Day with Priyanka in Milan, Italy, Nick Jonas, along with Joe and…
Kylie Jenner claims to be in her “princess era” while flaunting her new piercings.
Kylie Jenner has shocked her fans by showing off her new piercings, which are fully stacked and create a unique look. The beauty mogul, 27, who recently sported…
Priyanka Chopra shares cute snap of her and Nick Jonas’ ððððĶ daughter Malti while lounging on a private jet: ‘Off we go!’
Priyanka Chopra uploaded an adorable Instagram photo of herself on Saturday as she held her 11-month-old daughter, Malti, on her lap as they prepared for a special getaway….
Rare footage of ðĪðĐðŠððĨren Aire and Stormi during Cousin True’s ððĒðŦððĄday celebration is shared by Kylie Jenner.
Kylie Jenner delighted fans with an intimate glimpse of her ðĪðĐðŠððĨren, Aire and Stormi, during a special family moment. The beauty mogul shared rare footage of her little…
Francesca Farago and FiancÃĐ Jesse Sullivan Reveal the Names of Their Baby Twins
The reality star and TikTok influencer welcomed a son and daughter on Nov. 11 Francesca Farago and fiancÃĐ Jesse Sullivan have revealed the names of their newððĻðŦð§s! The Too Hot to Handle alum,…
Patrick Mahomes labeled ârare and uniqueâ for locker room trait by Chiefs GM who praises âambassadorâ Travis Kelce
Fans also spoke about the pair on social media. PATRICK MAHOMES has been labeled as “rare and unique” for his action in the locker room. The Kansas City Chiefs star…
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MÃĄs de 5 millones de euros: asà se presenta el exquisito yate de Rafael Nadal
Con su retirada, el tenista espaÃąol se refugiarÃĄ en Manacor, donde cuenta con una impresionante casa y una embarcaciÃģn millonaria. Tan solo restan dos dÃas para uno de…
Jason Kelce introduces a new Christmas tune while launching a big teddy bear
Jason Kelce returned to Lincoln Financial Field on Thursday and debuted his new Christmas song ‘Santa Drives an Astrovan’ alongside the Philadelphia band Mt. Joy Former Philadelphia Eagles icon Jason…
Sterling, Brittany Mahomes’ daughter, looks adorable in Chiefs red during a historic sporting event
According to PEOPLE, the former soccer player posted pictures of Sterling on her Instagram account, decked out for gymnastics class. Brittany commented, âFirst day of gymnastics ,â over…