
8 Variegated Banana Plant Varieties

Do not miss out these exceptional Variegated Banana Plant Varieties that offer fruits and vivid foliage, both!

If you are a fan of large leaves with colors, then do not miss out these Variegated Banana Plant Varieties! Some of them will blow you away!

1.  Variegated Hawaiian Banana

Botanical Name: Musa ‘Ae Ae’

These striking Variegated Banana Plant Varieties are popular for variegated leaves, with alternating bands of white, cream, and green. The plant produces edible bananas with similar variegation.

Leaves: Wide and paddle-shaped, displaying bold white to cream-colored streaks intermingled with green.

2. Red Abyssinian Banana

Botanical Name: Musa ‘Siam Ruby’

A stunning ornamental banana, ‘Siam Ruby’ has striking red and green foliage. You can also grow it easily in large pots.

Leaves: The leaves are deep ruby red with random flecks of green and chartreuse, providing a dramatic tropical look.

3.  Dwarf Variegated Banana

Botanical Name: Musa ‘Truly Tiny’

A dwarf banana plant that lives up to its name, ‘Truly Tiny’ is perfect for small spaces or container growing.

Leaves: Solid green leaves that are proportionately smaller, reflecting the miniature size of the plant.

4. Giant Variegated Banana

Botanical Name: Musa ‘Mekong Giant’

As the name suggests, these Variegated Banana Plant Varieties can grow incredibly tall, often reaching up to 12-15 feet.

Leaves: Large, lush green leaves that provide a strong tropical feel to any landscape.

5.  Variegated Tiger Banana

Botanical Name: Musa ‘Tiger Stripe’

An ornamental banana plant that boasts unique ᵴtriƥing on its foliage. As it stays compact, it can be a great indoor plant as long as it gets plenty of sunlight.

Leaves: The leaves are green with random streaks or ᵴtriƥes of a lighter green or yellow, resembling tiger ᵴtriƥes.

6.  Variegated Dwarf Cavendish Banana

Botanical Name: Musa ‘Double Mahoi’

This variety is known for its ability to produce two bunches of bananas at once. It spreads aggressively, and it makes it a garden-only option.

Leaves: The leaves are a bright green color and provide a lush backdrop for the unique double bunches of bananas.

7.  Variegated Blue Java Banana

Botanical Name: Musa ‘Ice Cream’

Also known as the ‘Blue Java,’ these Variegated Banana Plant Varieties are famous for their blue-hued bananas that taste like vanilla ice cream.

Leaves: Strong silvery-blue-green leaves, adding to the plant’s distinctive appearance.

8. Nono Pink Banana

Botanical Name: Musa ‘Nono Pink’

A less common variety, possibly a cultivated hybrid, it is a great option for small pots, making it good for patios and balconies.

Leaves: The leaves are broader than longer and have a deep maroon and red hue to them.

Soυrce: balconygardenweb

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