
“We Will Reunite in the Next Life” – A 16-year-old dog spent its final hours with its family before drawing its last breath.

Losing a pet can be traumatic for anybody, including this family, who had to say goodbye to their 16-year-old pet dog for the last time.

Okey, who had followed his family for the previous 16 years, died last February. Even in the last moments of his life, he melted everyone’s heart with his wonderful grin and charming attitude.

Okey can be seen laying in the arms of the adolescent boy as he is surrounded by his family members in the video that his owner filmed before he took his last breath.

Even when he didn’t have the strength he once had, Okey still responded to his mother and nodded in satisfaction when she sang him a nice lullaby.

Okey breathed his last breath moments after the mother thanked him for being with their family for nearly two decades.

The young boy and his family were heartbroken to see Okey leave them for good, but they knew it was time.

Okey, 16, had been unwell for two years and had even been hospitalised throughout that time.

Unfortunately, there was nothing that could be done to help Okey.

His family then brought him back home so that the ageing dog could spend the last days of his life with the people he cared about the most.

Even though Okey was usually sick, they did not anticipate him to leave them so soon.

As the adolescent boy carried his tiny body in his arms, it became clear that Okey was going to leave them soon.

Okey was fortunate to spend his last moments with his family.

When the video was uploaded to YouTube in March, it quickly drew 1.72 million views from those who wanted to show their regrets and sympathies to the family for losing their beloved pet dog.

It was a heartbreaking goodbye for Okey and his family, but they knew it wasn’t the end.

“Thank you for visiting us. We’ll cross paths again in the future life.”

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