“The Clock” is an upcoming science fiction thriller directed by acclaimed filmmaker Liam Neeson. Set in the year 2045, the film follows a world where time has become the new global currency. People are able to buy, sell, and trade time as a commodity, leading to a stark divide between the wealthy elite who can afford to live indefinitely and the working class who struggle to make ends meet.
The story centers on Alex, a young man from the lower class who becomes embroiled in a dangerous scheme to steal time from the rich. When a malfunction in the global time-keeping system threatens to collapse society, Alex must race against the clock, literally, to uncover the truth and prevent catastrophic consequences.
With its gritty dystopian setting, thought-provoking social commentary, and intense action sequences, “The Clock” promises to be a gripping and visually stunning sci-fi thriller. Featuring groundbreaking visual effects and a talented ensemble cast, the film is sure to captivate audiences when it hits theaters in summer 2024.