Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra spent quality time with their adorable daughter, Malti Marie, during a fun-filled weekend that showcased their sweet family bond. The couple, who often prioritize their family time despite their busy schedules, made the most of their weekend with activities that were both playful and heartwarming.
The day began with a relaxing stroll through a picturesque park. Priyanka was seen holding Malti Marie in her arms, while Nick playfully pushed her stroller, the trio laughing and enjoying the crisp outdoor air. Little Malti, dressed in an adorable floral outfit and matching hat, seemed delighted by the sights around her.
Later, the family headed to a cozy cafĂ© for brunch, where Malti was the center of attention. Fans couldn’t help but gush over the sweet moments as Nick fed her tiny bites of mashed fruit, while Priyanka captured candid pictures of her husband and daughter.
The afternoon was filled with fun and creativity as they spent time at a kids’ activity center. Malti enjoyed playing with colorful building blocks and exploring the sensory play area, while Nick and Priyanka joined in on the fun, showing their playful sides as doting parents.
The weekend ended on a peaceful note with a movie night at home. Priyanka shared a glimpse of their cozy evening on Instagram, posting a picture of the family snuggled up on the couch with a caption: “Our kind of perfect weekend. đź’•”
It’s clear that for Nick and Priyanka, moments like these with their daughter Malti Marie are what truly matter. Fans love seeing the trio’s heartfelt connection and look forward to more glimpses of their beautiful family life.