
In this adorable tree decorating clip, Sterling, the 3-year-old daughter of Brittany Mahomes, gets ready for a pink Christmas

“Trees are going up!!😍” the ‘Sports Illustrated Swimsuit’ model teased in a recent Instagram Stories post. It will be a pink Christmas for Patrick and Brittany Mahomes’ daughter, Sterling!

On Wednesday, Nov. 20, Brittany, 29, shared an adorable Instagram Stories clip of the 3-year-old decorating a small pink Christmas tree with orange lollipop ornaments.

The toddler carefully set up every ornament while dressed perfectly for the occasion in a two-piece pink pajama set. A box of other multi-colored decorations and a sparkly silver tinsel garland lay near her.

Brittany teased that their home would soon be filled with other festive decor, writing over the photo, “Trees are going up!!😍”

Brittany Mahomes’ daughter Sterling decorates pink Christmas tree.

Brittany Mahomes/Instagram

She followed up the sweet pic with a photo of her soon-to-be 2-year-old, Bronze, smiling from ear to ear as he held on to a gold ribbon roll in front of a green Christmas tree.

While Brittany, who is currently pregnant with her third ð˜Īð˜Đ𝘊𝘭ð˜Ĩ, has not disclosed what her family will be doing for the holiday, fans can assume they will be away from home. The Kansas City Chiefs are scheduled to take on the Pittsburgh Steelers on Christmas Day at Acrisure Stadium in Pennsylvania.

Brittany Mahomes’ son Bronze smiles next to Christmas tree.

Brittany Mahomes/Instagram

Last year, the Chiefs also had a game on Christmas Day, facing off against the Las Vegas Raiders.

Ahead of last year’s holiday game, Patrick, 29, told Pro Football Talk that he was “excited” about getting the opportunity to entertain fans on Christmas Day but was a “little disappointed” to miss out on some of the typical holiday traditions with his loved ones.

Patrick and Brittany Mahomes with their 2 kids.

Brittany Mahomes/Instagram

“I’m a little disappointed I’m going to miss Christmas Eve with my kids and Christmas morning and miss Santa coming,” he said, being that the team would spend the night before the game at a hotel.

“I’ll be able to spend the evening with them and open presents with them then. So, it’ll be a great opportunity. I’m excited for that. We’ll miss the kids a little bit but we’ll celebrate after the game’s over,” the NFL quarterback continued.

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