
Nick Jonas celebrated his 𝐛ðĒðŦð­ðĄday in London with Priyanka Chopra and Malti in the most amazing way: “It couldn’t have been a better beginning to 32.”

Nick Jonas has shared some more inside photos from his 𝐛ðĒðŦð­ðĄday as Priyanka Chopra and their daughter Malti joined him during a Jonas Brothers show.

A day after Priyanka Chopra paid a sweet 𝐛ðĒðŦð­ðĄday tribute to her husband Nick Jonas, the singer-actor shared a carousel post of sweet photos with his wife and their daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas from The Jonas Brothers’ concert in London. Nick turned 32 on September 16. Also read | Priyanka Chopra gives Nick Jonas 𝐛ðĒðŦð­ðĄday kiss during his London concert, Malti Marie attends with headphones on. Watch


He wrote in the caption of his 𝐛ðĒðŦð­ðĄday post, “Thank you for all the love yesterdayâ€Ķ Couldn’t have asked for a better start to 32.” In the first picture, Nick and Priyanka shared a kiss as Malti, 2, closed her eyes. There was also a picture of Nick wrapping his arm around his wife’s waist as she looked into the camera.

Nick Jonas’ brithday post

In some of the pictures, Priyanka smiled as she held her daughter in her arms while walking backstage with Nick, who was dressed in matching blue jacket and pants. Little Malti wore the biggest smile in the photos with her parents.

Malti was in a printed white dress, while her mom sported an orange strapless dress. The post also included some pictures of Malti on the stage at London’s O2, and also her singing on the mic as her uncle and Nick’s elder brother Joe Jonas looked on.

A comment on Nick’s post read, “Genuinely the BEST smile on that sweet girl (Malti). Gah all these pics are just so good.” A fan also said, “What a lovely family.”

Another commented, “You have the cutest ð˜Īð˜Đ𝘊𝘭ð˜Ĩ on this planetâ€Ķ her cheesing so hard definitely brought a smile to my face. Thanks for sharing!” A comment also read, “Malti is such a beautiful amazing girl. I can tell. She is so loved and it shows.” One more said, “She is preciousâ€Ķ”

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