Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas have been doing the rounds at the Cannes Film Festival in France this past week. After a series of appearances, the pair brought their red carpet style to an opulent crescendo on Saturday in matching all-white ensembles that seemed fit for a walk down the aisle. The couple brought their whirlwind trip to a close yesterday, but not without one final fashion au revoir at the airport.
Heading to their flight, Chopra and Jonas took their matchy-matchy aesthetic to the next level in one of their most united fronts yet. (It’s not just on the step and repeat!) For their casual travel looks, the two stars embraced a neutral beige palette.
Chopra chose a loose-fitting camel suit, styling it with a classic white T-shirt, striped sandals by Charles & Keith, and a pop of red via her leather shoulder bag. Meanwhile, Jonas matched her color motif to perfection: he wore an oversized dark brown T-shirt, red trousers (to match Chopra’s handbag) and sandy leather boots. His large Leisure Society aviators added a cool finish and were a nice partner to Chopra’s metal-rimmed shade, by Oliver Peoples.
So, is color coordination bound to be their new signature? It’s something that Chopra and Jonas have done together before—and their couple style only seems to be getting more in sync.