Maze, also known as Maze Featuring Frankie Beverly, is an American soul band founded by Frankie Beverly in Philadelphia in 1970. Originally named Raw Soul, the band relocated to San Francisco and was introduced to Marvin Gaye, who took them on tour and suggested the name change to Maze in 1976.
Maze released nine gold albums from 1977 to 1993. Their well-known songs include “Happy Feelin’s,” “While I’m Alone,” “Golden Time of Day,” “Southern Girl,” “Joy and Pain,” “Before I Let Go,” “Back in Stride,” and “Can’t Get Over You.” The band has maintained a large and devoted following.
They signed with Capitol Records in 1976, releasing their debut album in 1977, which featured hit singles like “Happy Feelin’s” and “Lady of Magic.” Subsequent successful albums include Golden Time of Day (1978), Inspiration (1979), and Joy and Pain (1980). Their live album Live in New Orleans (1981) included hits like “Running Away” and “Before I Let Go.
“In 1985, they released Can’t Stop the Love, featuring the number one R&B hit “Back In Stride.” They later signed with Warner Bros. and released Silky Soul (1989) and Back to Basics (1993). In 2009, a tribute album, Silky Soul Music: An All Star Tribute to Maze Featuring Frankie Beverly, was released.
The band has a tradition of audiences dressing in all white for their performances. On May 9, 2023, long-time band members, including original member Roame, left to form “The Music Forever” (TMF): Formerly of Maze Featuring Frankie Beverly, while Beverly continues performing with new Maze band members.